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Land west of Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead

Our proposals

Our proposals for the land west of Imberhorne Lane are based on the requirements for the site set out in Mid Sussex District Council’s Site Allocations Development Plan Document, and are designed to provide a significant number of on-site facilities alongside new homes.
  • 550 homes, including 30% affordable housing (165 homes)
  • A Care Community providing at least 142 housing units for older people
  • A 400-metre floodlit running track, sports pitches & pavilion for Imberhorne School
  • A 38.5-hectare strategic Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), provided as a country park open to the public
  • A ‘Neighbourhood Centre’ suitable for provision of shops and / or other services
  • Land for a two-form-entry primary school with Early Years & Special Educational Needs provision
  • Informal open space, allotments and equipped children’s playspace

The following image is our submitted concept masterplan for the land west of Imberhorne Lane:

Our submitted planning application is seeking ‘detailed’ planning permission for Imberhorne School’s new sports facilities, for the new country park (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace) with associated car parking, and for the proposed vehicle access from Imberhorne Lane and main spine road through the site, while only seeking ‘outline’ planning consent for the rest of the scheme.  This will ensure that the new sports facilities are completed before any of the new homes are occupied, and ensure that the new country park is operational before any of the new homes are occupied.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Adam Robinson of SP Broadway on
07711 262 925 or at adam@spbroadway.com