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Land west of Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead

High-quality new homes

Our submitted planning application is requesting ‘outline’ planning permission for up to 550 new homes on the land west of Imberhorne Lane, and ‘outline’ permission for a Care Community providing at least 142 residential units for older people.

We are committed to making sure that the homes will be built to the highest standards, and to this end our application includes a Design Code, prepared following discussions with the council’s urban designers and in accordance with their design guidance.  If our planning application is consented, the parts of the site proposed for housing would then be taken forward for development by a housebuilder, and the housebuilder would be expected to follow our Design Code as a condition of our planning consent.

Before construction could begin, the housebuilder would have to submit ‘reserved matters’ planning applications to Mid Sussex District Council to agree a specific layout for the homes and specific housing designs in accordance with the Design Code.  The homes would be a mixture of 2-storey, 2.5-storey and 3-storey homes with an average density of 37 dwellings per hectare (dph), again secured as a condition of our planning consent.

An artist’s impression of the proposed homes, looking out onto allotments

Care Community

Over 3 hectares of the land west of Imberhorne Lane would be used to deliver a new Care Community, providing housing for older people.  This is in accordance with Mid Sussex District Council’s Site Allocations Development Plan Document, which sets out a requirement for at least 142 units of care accommodation on the site.  The Care Community would be located in the south-eastern corner of the site, next to the proposed vehicle access to the development from Imberhorne Lane.

We will seek ‘outline’ planning permission for the Care Community as part of our planning application.  If consented, this part of the site would be taken forward for development by a specialist care provider, which would submit a ‘reserved matters’ planning application to the council confirming the precise details and layout of the community, such as the exact number of units.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Adam Robinson of SP Broadway on
07711 262 925 or at adam@spbroadway.com